Gender equality, diversity and societal security (completed)

This project explores how increasing levels of diversity in the personnel of Nordic security forces relate to changing perceptions of trust and security, both within these organizations and in their broader interactions with society.

About the project

The Nordic model is traditionally associated with high levels of societal trust, egalitarian values, and peaceful forms of conflict resolution through cooperation within and among political and corporative organizations. These characteristics also constitute the underpinnings for the ways in which security work is perceived and conducted in a Nordic setting, manifested in recent reforms introducing conscription onformally equal terms for men and women in Norway as well as Sweden.

This project empirically and theoretically explores how increasing levels of diversity in the personnel of Nordic security forces (military,police and security organizations) relate to changing perceptions of trust and security, both within these organizations and in their broader interactions with society. The project combines empirical studies of four Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland), analysing a range of interconnected phenomena, from the organization of everyday practices within security forces and their
interactions with various target groups, to perceptions of diversity and security work within the forces as well as within related policy- and decision-making processes.

The research team has a broad representation in the Nordic countries and a strong multi-disciplinary profile. The project will be based on a mixed methods-approach with an emphasis on qualitative sociological methods combined with political and historical studies. Data collection will primarily be conducted through qualitative interviews, participant observations, and archival studies including document analysis. Our objective is to provide new knowledge about how actors and organizations involved in producing security in the Nordic countries approach the challenges of increasing diversity in terms of perceptions, policies and practices, as well as knowledge about the outcomes of these processes to date.


Center for Gender Reserach, UiO and Centre for Welfare and Work Studies, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Science


NordForsk (2018-2021)


Tags: Gender, Security, Diversity
Published Apr. 20, 2018 2:06 PM - Last modified June 14, 2023 11:17 AM


Detailed list of participants