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Climate, environment, and sustainability at the Centre for Gender Research

Students sitting around a table outdoors

Photo: Jarli & Jordan/UiO

Gender research has the potential to create a more sustainable society. Broadly conceived, sustainability involves questions linked to, and knowledge about, equality, democratization, and diversity. These are the main focus areas of gender research, both theoretically, empirically, and methodologically. The field also has a long history of problematizing humans’ relationship with nature, both within academia, and in society and culture more generally.

Familiarity with feminist theories and methods can help to foster critical thinking. By strengthening this potential through our teaching and research, STK will help students become knowledgeable, independent, and reflective citizens, who will be able to play an important role in creating a more sustainable society.

STK will enhance and develop its interdisciplinary competence in the face of societal challenges linked to environmental and climate change, ethics, health and welfare issues, polarization and democracy building, knowledge production, migration and war, dominance, exclusion, and inequality. Gender plays a central role in all these challenges.


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Tags: climate, sustainability
Published Aug. 3, 2023 11:33 AM - Last modified Aug. 3, 2023 11:34 AM