Making Spaces for and Discussing Trans Activism, Culture and Studies in the Nordic Context

Send your presentation proposal for this roundtable discussion via the submission form


Trans bodies and experiences have always been in the core of feminist and gender studies and theorization, but Trans studies as a field of its own has only begun to establish itself in the 2000s in the Nordic context. As an interdisciplinary field, Trans studies has roots in Trans activism in- and outside academia, feminist and queer theory, and the social and medical sciences. In this round-table we address
some of the current discussions within Trans studies in the Nordic context.
Including, but not restricted to:

  • How do forms of Trans activism, culture and studies inspire and guide each other? 

  • In which different ways can Trans people find safety, recognition and agency outside the medico-legal processes?

  • How does the institutionalization of gender (including but not limited to legal gender) organize possibilities and limitations of inclusion, representation, and thriving of Trans experiences and perspectives?  

  • How do we engage the work of translating the, mostly, Anglo-American Trans literature and theory to our context(s)? Which theory, inspiration and challenges can be found elsewhere?
  • How do we apply intersectional practices and analyses? How are analyses of Nordic coloniality, racism, border regimes, nationalism and ableism currently engaged within Nordic Trans Studies?
  • Which questions are overlooked and/or urgently need to be engaged within Nordic Trans studies? 
  • How do we as Trans scholars and activists navigate working in and against the neoliberal university? 

The session will be a hybrid round-table with short presentations (5-10 min) and conversation among participants. We ask participants to send 1 A4 page with a description of their work, ideas and/or questions they would like to discuss. As organizers we intend to create a space for feedback, discussions and developing ideas together among those of us engaged in Trans knowledge creation, sharing and research in, as well as outside of, academia. encourage participation based on knowledge-creation and research at any stage, and we warmly welcome contributions based on performances, activist projects, polished texts and unfinished ideas. We look forward to discussing and creating with you!

The session organizers are members of the Nordic Transgender Studies Network.  


Nico Miskow Friborg (they/them) is a PhD candidate at the Centre for Gender Studies at the University of Stavanger, Norway. Their research is on queer and trans activism and organizing and coalition-building against, beyond and on the margins of the Danish state and Nonprofit Industrial Complex from 1990’s until today.

Toby Odland (they/them) is a PhD student in Gender Studies at Tema Genus, Linköping University, Sweden. Their research concerns Trans-inclusion in gender equality work and organizations, and focuses on experiences of the work it takes to make inclusion work in practice.

Luca Tainio (he/his) is a PhD student in the Doctoral Programme for Gender, Culture and Society at the University of Helsinki, Finland. His research focuses on questions of trans embodiment and vulnerability in the contexts of activism and cultural production.

Published Sep. 21, 2021 12:48 PM - Last modified Sep. 28, 2021 8:59 AM