

Time and place: , Zoom

This PhD course, offered by the Centre for Gender Research, gives an introduction to Institutional Ethnography (IE). It will explore core concepts of IE, and engage with methodological tools and procedures for exploring organised social interaction.

Time and place: , NEMKO: Styrerommet 213 (241)

The Centre for Gender Research, in collaboration with the Department of Sociology and Human Geography, offers a PhD-course led by Professor Lois McNay, exploring key topics in the social theories of Pierre Bourdieu, Michel Foucault and Axel Honneth.

Time and place: , PRIO, Hausmanns gate 3, Oslo

The Research School on Peace and Conflict invites applications for the PhD-course Gender, Peace and Conflict to take place at PRIO in Oslo on 6-8 May 2019. The deadline for applications is 6 March 2019.

Time and place: , Rom 420 Gaustadalleen 30 D (Nemkobygget)

The Centre for Gender Research at the University of Oslo is proud to offer a PhD-course with professor Nancy Fraser this autumn. Nancy Fraser is a Henry A. & Louise Loeb Professor of Political & Social Science at The New School for Social Research and professor II at Centre for Gender Research (STK), University of Oslo.

Time and place: , STK, Rom 420, NEMKO-bygget

This PhD course will explore the history of the concept of relationality and its contemporary uses across a number of fields.

Course leader: Sasha Roseneil, Professor II, STK

Free entrance and open for (extended registration to February, 25).