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The Fritt Ord Foundation Gives Grant to Book Project

Tone Brekke and Sunniva Árja Tobiasen (STK) are working on a book project about the history of gender research in Norway. Now, they have received funding from the Fritt Ord Foundation.

Tone Brekke and Sunniva Árja Tobiasen (STK) learned this week that the Fritt Ord Foundation will be granting them 75 000 NOK to support their work on a book project detailing the history of Norwegian gender research. The book will be based on interviews with people who contributed to establishing and developing gender research as a field in Norway, and will offer new insights into the early stages and the interdisciplinary development of the discipline.

Image may contain: Bookcase.
Tone Brekke and Sunniva Árja Tobiasen. Photo: Anna Young

We were extremely happy to learn that our book project has received funding from the Fritt Ord Foundation. Our book is relevant to the aims of Fritt Ord, in that it will contextualize and provide insights into the disciplinary history of current and ongoing debates regarding gender, feminism, and equality. It means a lot to us to receive support from the foundation, and this funding will ensure that we are able to dedicate time and focus to this project, until the book is completed.  

The Fritt Ord Foundation works to promote freedom of expression and to stimulate public debate. In addition to projects that focus specifically on the culture of free speech and media structures, the foundation supports projects that generate new knowledge on subject areas that have previously been neglected, and projects that provide new perspectives on existing knowledge.

Read more about the book project here.

By Anna Young
Published Nov. 13, 2020 10:55 AM - Last modified June 29, 2023 11:13 AM