Raewyn Connell among keynote speakers at NORA Conference

The NORA Conference 2022 will be taking place at the University of Oslo on June 20th-22nd, and will feature a range of exciting keynote speakers, including Professor Raewyn Connell. The deadline for registration, April 4th, is fast approaching.

Collage featuring images of the four keynote speakers

L-r: Raewyn Connell, Marianne Liljeström, Astri Dankertsen, Amund Rake Hoffart. 

The theme of the NORA Conference 2022 is "Tensions and Potentials in Nordic Feminist and Gender Research". This event will be a meeting place for Nordic feminist and gender researchers, enabling dialogue across national and regional, disciplinary and sub-disciplinary borders. 

There will be four keynote lectures at the conference. Professor Emerita at the University of Sydney Raewyn Connell, a founding figure within masculinity studies, will hold a digital lecture titled: “Nordic feminist thought in a changing world gender order”. In this lecture, Connell will discuss how Nordic feminism and gender research may be a valuable resource in a world that is facing, amongst other challenges, growing economic inequality, the resurgence of authoritarian nationalism, and the new anti-feminist and anti-gender campaigns.

Marianne Liljeström, Professor Emerita at the University of Turku, will hold a lecture titled “All-embracing feminism: about epistemic habits and gestures within Nordic academic feminism”. This lecture will focus on the effects of a strong culture of consensus and all-inclusiveness within Nordic academic feminism. How, asks Liljeström, do we take into account the existence of multiple feminisms in a culture of uniformity?

Associate Professor at Nord University Astri Dankertsen’s lecture is titled “Fighting Colonial Erasure of Sámi Presence through Indigenous Feminist Perspectives”. This lecture will reflect on the shift from the historical erasure of Sámi feminist debates within Nordic gender studies, to an increasing scholarly attention to these perspectives.

Amund Rake Hoffart, researcher at the Centre for Gender Research, University of Oslo, will hold a lecture titled “’Intersectionality, yes’: Metacommentaries on Intersectionality in Nordic Feminist and Gender Research and Beyond”. Hoffart’s lecture will discuss how intersectionality is framed through metacommentary in Nordic feminist and gender research, and builds on his doctoral research, carried out at Örebro University.

Beyond this, the conference will feature a variety of plenary sessions and parallel paper sessions on a wide range of topics, covering the breadth and depth of Nordic feminist and gender studies, including queer perspectives, considerations of the concept of “race” in Nordic gender studies, historical approaches to gender, crip and disability studies, discussions on feminist theory and methodology, and much more.

If you would like to attend the NORA Conference 2022, please note that you must register on the conference website by April 4th.

Published Mar. 22, 2022 11:06 AM - Last modified Mar. 22, 2022 7:06 PM