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Nominate candidates for STK's master's thesis prize

Each year, the Centre for Gender Research awards a prize for the best master's thesis with a gender perspective submitted to the University of Oslo. The deadline for nominating candidates for this year's prize is 31 December.

Hands writing on laptops

Photo: Marvin Meyer/Unsplash

The Centre for Gender Research wants to highlight and acknowledge research carried out by students. For this reason, the centre has handed out a prize for the best master thesis with a gender perspective at UiO every year since 1992.

Supervisors and external examiners are encouraged to nominate candidates for the award. Please visit this page to read the nomination criteria.

The prize makes visible the breadth of gender research at the MA level at UiO. In recent years, winning theses have focused on Japanese literature, the bodily experiences of mothers of young children, and gender and relationships in the Pentecostal church.

Submit a nomination

A jury assesses the nominations on the basis of academic merit and relevance to the field of gender studies.

The award is handed out at STK’s New Year celebration event. Here, the jury will say a few words about each of the nominated theses, before they reveal the name of the winner, who will receive a cash prize of 8000 NOK and a diploma. The winner will also be interviewed for the STK website.

More information

Published Nov. 24, 2023 9:44 AM - Last modified Dec. 14, 2023 1:32 PM