Living the Nordic Model (completed)

What is "The Nordic Model" of childhood ? Do the values or ideals that the model is widely thought to embody still exist today.

children playing

Foto: Magnus Fröderberg/

About the project

This interdisciplinary project brings together scholars to study institutionalized childhoods of the Nordic countries. Through the lens of the “Nordic childhoods” and its institutions, the aim is to understand the history, present challenges and future sustainability of the lived Nordic model by contrastive and comparative research on the “Nordic institutionalized childhoods.” By “nordic institutionalised childhoods” we mean both the values (ideals) of the Nordic model as related to upbringing and formation of future citizens, but also the perception and the lived implementation of these values by families and formal institutions (i.e. kindergartens, schools, other state institutions and media—increasingly digital technologies). Understanding the ideals and describing the processes of socialisation of the Nordic model citizen require a critical focus on the individual practices that take place within significant welfare institutions of the Nordic countries, within the family, and in the relations between them.n

The project is divided into four pillars:

  • Pillar I: The parenting paradox-children’s autonomy under pressure
  • Pillar II: Normative values under pressure of globalization – rights and participation
  • Pillar III: New technology, old norms? Autonomy, self-reflexivity and discipline
  • Pillar IV: Blind spots – the flip side of the normative child

About the group

Living the Nordic Model is a project led by Elisabeth Staksrud. It involves researchers from the Faculty of Humanities (Institute for media and communication and Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas ), the Faculty of Educational Sciences (Department of Education), the Faculty of Social Science (Department of Psychology) and the Centre for Gender Research.




Published Apr. 19, 2018 3:39 PM - Last modified June 14, 2023 11:25 AM