
Publisert 30. jan. 2019 14:13

Skumsnes’ dissertation explores the monumental remains and the non-literary ostraca and papyri as different layers of situated material-discursive practices. The records are approached both in terms of patterns of change and disclosures of difference, while trying to make sense of what often comes down as contradictory information about family and gender in New Kingdom Egypt (1539-1077 BCE).

Publisert 12. feb. 2013 08:37

Making Norwegian Law Available, Accepable and Accessible to Women in a Multicultural Setting, by Ph.d.candidate Farhat Taj, Faculty of Law. This is a socio-legal study of law, culture and religion that explores the ‘internal discourse’ and ‘cross-cultural dialogue’ undertaken by two women’s NGOs in Norway. Les mer på norsk.